Clurissa King
Professional Massage Therapy

Clurissa's Healing Hands

5401 A1A South, Suite B

St. Augustine, FL 32080

Located on the north side of Lighthouse Realty, facing the park and beach access. 


Some of the benefits of massage include: 

Reduce stress and anxiety

Increase circulation

Better sleep and relaxation

Relief of muscular tension

Increase range of motion

I specialize in slow, deep connective tissue work that activates the parasympathetic nervous system and allows your body to enter a state of rest and digestion. 

Whether you're dealing with chronic holding patterns or recovering from an injury; massage should NEVER be painful. 
My slow approach to the connective tissue allows us to reach trigger points that are holding on deep within the muscle fibers without sending pain signals to the brain.

It is very important to stay hydrated before and after your massage so that the body can eliminate the lactic acid that we release through the session. 

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